par Miss CONRARD  -  17 Novembre 2016, 17:06  -  #MISCELLANEOUS


Click here: Buckingham Palace

Write all the figures or dates in numbers and letters 20 pts


  1. Buckingham Palace is the ________   ____________ of the Queen and her husband.
  2. Buckingham Palace has been the official London residence of the British monarch since _ _ _ _.
  3. Length of the building: ___________________________ metres long.
  4. Depth of the building: ____________________________metres deep.
  5. Height of the building: ____________________________metres high.
  6. At B.P there are __________________________ rooms.
  7. Name 6 famous people you’ve heard of, who have visited B.P:
  8. How many people visit the palace every year?
  9. Where does the Royal Family appear on weddings or special occasions?
  10. Which King decided to extend the palace?
  11. Name the architect who built the actual Buckingham Palace:
  12. The building’s façade is made of: ________________________(Oolitic Limestone comprising granular fragments of calcium carbonate.)
  13. The architectural style of the building is :

norman         gothic             neoclassical

  1. Who was the first sovereign to take up residence in Buckingham Palace ?
  2. The monument facing the palace was created by sculptor Sir Thomas Brock in 1911 and erected in front of the main gates. It is called _______________________.
  3. How can you tell the QUEEN is in her palace?

 17. Name this flag : _____________





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