Give an accurate definition of the word ADVERTISEMENT
UK: /ədˈvɜːrtɪsmənt/
The evolution of advertising has experienced some major milestones over the years, as it’s had to adapt and change to suit new mediums and audiences constantly. Most significantly, it’s become much more personalized throughout history.
Mission 1: Listen to the following video twice and list the 6 steps in the evolution of ADVERTISING...
Recap this evolution in class.
Mission 2: Listen to the video one more time and complete the worksheet given by your teacher.
STEP 1: Watch the video and list the different techniques revealed.
Which one do you find the most convincing and why? Debate with your classmates.
STEP 2: Now discover more techniques with your teacher in her amazing slideshow 😊
A taste for British humour?
Top 10 of the most memorable advertising slogans
Read the following article and answer the questions:
The Art Of Brandalism - Branding Strategy Insider
There is an image of an advertising campaign poster making the rounds on social media that has been marked with comments that question the motives and
Learn more about The Art is EVERYWHERE PROJECT here:
Art Everywhere turns UK's streets into world's largest art show
Project launched in shopping mall displays artists' most popular works on bus stops and tube stations
"How advertising rewires kids' brains"
Watch, take notes and recap what you have understood
Go on your EDPUZZLE ACCOUNT and answer the questions...
Advertising Advantages And Disadvantages | 8 Biggest Limitations and Disadvantages of Advertising
Advantages And Disadvantages of Advertising: When you hear the words "advertising", you probably think of a banner on a website or TV commercials. It's important because it can help make products ...
Watch the commercial.
Who and what did you see? List the various steps of the commercial.
Then, in groups, gather the information you have found and share them with your class.